Monday, March 16, 2009

Fight on!

The hardest adjustment to joining the USC faculty has been learning to root for the football team. When I was a kid, I would root for the Trojans against Notre Dame, but otherwise I have been a Big Ten guy my whole life, and USC was just too good.

But it has been a great pleasure to root for the Trojan Basketball team in the PAC-10 Tournament; particularly sweet was the victory over UCLA, with which I will always associate the magnificent and insufferable Bill Walton.

I think USC is underseeded in the NCAAs, and I look forward to further surprises.


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "UCLA, with which I will always associate the magnificent and insufferable Bill Walton."

    Because he breaks the Big Man Pecking Order Code, Ordinance 2257?

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Awww. Someday maybe you'll associate UCLA with some of your junior faculty, who are amongst your greatest fans. If you think you have trouble rooting for the Trojans, think how I feel!

    Lisa (from down the hall)
