Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Lisa Schweitzer on Alex Marshall

She writes:
Amongst the pop culture urbanists like Richard Florida and Jane Holtz-Kay, there are some that do good, accessible, interesting work and others that produce self-indulgent jeremiads (not to mention any names cough JamesHowardKuntsler cough …). Alex Marshall belongs in the former category. His book on suburbanization, How Cities Work, is both intelligent, accessible, entertaining, well-written, and delightfully non-histrionic in world full of repetitive screeds about the evils of American suburbs...

...Here, he discovers the roots of urban density that go way, way back. He provides a timeline for each city with major events, and the best part: cross-sections of the city by infrastructure era. So for Moscow, you have ascending from the bedrock: the secret subway system, the subway, the secret tunnels, Ivan the Terrible’s secret library and torture chambers, the sewer, water lines, and river culverts.

His thesis is that density doesn’t come through design or through policy. It’s the product of centuries-long urbanization processes. So perhaps my beloved Los Angeles can be forgiven for its settlement pattern given the fact that no planner visiting here in the late 1950s could have foreseen the millions of new people who would arrive, en masse, over the next few decades. Perhaps we should check in after another 100 years and see what LA looks like then.

Two Comments:

(1) Policy has I think driven urban form in post-War American cities. Transportation policy, housing finance policy (i.e., VA and FHA rules) and zoning must have something to do with the way we have spread out.

(2) That said, I do not understand the snobbery against suburbs. People like quiet, leafiness and privacy, and there is nothing wrong with any of these things. I just dropped my daughter off to live in Chinatown for her second year at NYU, and we rented an apartment in Greenwich Village for a few days. I think Greenwich Village is one of the best places on earth, but for day-to-day living, I prefer my quiet street in Pasadena. If that makes me banal, so be it.

1 comment:

poker said...

His thesis is that density doesn’t come through design or through policy. It’s the product of centuries-long urbanization processes.