Richard Green is a professor in the Sol Price School of Public Policy and the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. This blog will feature commentary on the current state of housing, commercial real estate, mortgage finance, and urban development around the world. It may also at times have ruminations about graduate business education.
I'm sorry, I just can't believe that helicopter Ben was re-appointed. I guess it was simply to calm Wall Street and keep the run going. ;-)
Love Without Borders, in response to Taiwan's 88 flood, please go to my site ~ Thank you for blessing the whole world!
雲林立委候選人張艮輝於會場上表達一貫堅持的參選理念,「一份理想、2 個希望、 3大改變」,並藉盛會為台灣祈福,場上的台灣加油地圖由地方代表等數十人點燃230支蠟燭,代表為台灣加油並點亮台灣因受88水災所面臨的黑暗期,在點燃蠟燭的同時,張艮輝也宣讀為台灣祈福文表示願為台灣這塊土地承受所有苦難。
Love Without Borders, in response to Taiwan's 88 flood, please go to my site ~ Thank you for blessing the whole world!
雲林立委候選人張艮輝於會場上表達一貫堅持的參選理念,「一份理想、2 個希望、 3大改變」,並藉盛會為台灣祈福,場上的台灣加油地圖由地方代表等數十人點燃230支蠟燭,代表為台灣加油並點亮台灣因受88水災所面臨的黑暗期,在點燃蠟燭的同時,張艮輝也宣讀為台灣祈福文表示願為台灣這塊土地承受所有苦難。
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